July 24, 2012

Not Playing with Brock

"Brock, I don't want to play with you right now. Because then we will fight, and I don't want to say I'm sorry," says Quinn in very nice non-whiny words.


July 11, 2012

Long bike ride

Tonight Quinn rode her bike from our house to Fioza, for a smoothie, and back. 2.2 miles round trip. I only made her stop to walk across the busy streets.

Yea! Quinn!

Excited about 5th birthday

Quinn's birthday is Sunday, her party is Sunday morning.

The Monday prior, here is what she said:

"I can't wait until Sunday morning, no I can't wait for Sunday day, no Saturday night, no I can't wait for Sunday morning, no Friday night, no Friday at school, no Saturday for dinner, no Sunday morning....