December 16, 2012
Maturity levels rising
Quinn was nearby when Brock had fallen over her and hurt himself. She quickly tried to explain to me that is wasn't her fault. I pointed to Brock, indicating that I wanted her to acknowledge that he was hurt before she told me about. She did, but then went to her room to cry. I went in to talk to her, telling her that I saw the whole thing and that it was purely an accident, that Brock ran into her, and in no way was it her fault. I said it was important that she still recognized that Brock was hurt, if she was inches away or across the room. She nodded in agreement, but not in a dismissive way, but in a way that, I believe, represented a fundamental understanding.
The second incident was around one of her hanukkah gifts. She wanted a phone from Santa this year. And we convinced her that Santa doesn't give phones, but Mommy and Daddy could. Before we gave her the phone we had the following conversation. (Note, this conversation was precisely timed for efficacy, after breakfast and during morning peak energy). We basically said that you will be getting a phone and instead of giving you alot of rules... there are certain things we value. Family, friends and play time. We will be making up the rules as we start running into areas that conflict with our values. We left it at that.
Then a couple of hours later, Quinn and I had some alone time were we were working on wrapping presents. I asked her if she understood what we were talking about regarding the phones. She responded very clearly and correctly with examples when using the phone would be appropriate and not. She was very understanding that we wouldn't be taking the birthday party or to school, yet we could take it to a restaurant but only play with it after she and Brock had finished eating.
It is hard to describe in words, but I'm really impressed and really proud of her.
December 02, 2012
Then I was trying to explain the difference between cents and sense, when Quinn tells me that those are homonyms
Jaw dropped.
November 24, 2012
Taking Quinn to work
Jaw dropping awesome.
November 21, 2012
Wrench Nose Shark
Finally she says, that there is a hammer-nose shark (hammerhead) and a saw nose shark, but not a wrench nose shark.
Is she my kid or what?
November 08, 2012
Writing and counting in Chinese
Quinn is not only signing songs in Chinese, but she is writing numbers in Chinese as well...
That's so cool!
October 31, 2012
Wizard of Oz in School?
Lost a tooth

Then she talked about how she wanted to be a pumpkin for Halloween because now she looks like a jack-o-lantern.
October 26, 2012
Quinn's Kindergarten reading level
The end of year goal for kindergarteners is 4. It is 2 months into the school year.
Although the information that we don't have is, what was the G/T class average? What is the non G/T class average. Is the goal of 4 for all kindergartens or tailored for the G/T class?
Update: The DRA level is the same for all Kindergarten classes. Most GT students (Quinn's Class) are already on level 4.
October 23, 2012
I'll be really smart when i'm older
Quinn said that she'll be really smart when she is older. She said that is the case because she pays attention when she reads. She recognizes the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
I also told her because she pays attention outside of books too. And she works hard, and she stays focused, and doesn't give up.
And she nodded on agreement.
October 17, 2012
School lunches
We are very excited that she has decided to do this.
Jobs: Geneticist, Bicycle Repair, Electrician, Cartographer
As a bicylce repair person, Quinn helped assemble her new bike, put air in all of the tires, discovered grease and that it doesn't come off easily, and learned about gears
As an electrician, Quinn learned about the breaker box, helped install a fan light, helped install a remote for the garage, and we studied light bulbs and the differences between incandescent and flourescent
As a cartographer, we looked at a story book about maps (kinda) and will hopefully draw a map of something (either from our house to school, or her bedroom, or something like that)
Reading and Math
Overall though, she'll be reading and I'll just be watching her in amazement, with some internal kvelling.
On the math front, she is able to figure out all of the combinations to get to a value. For example she has 5 stars left to get to a prize at school. Stars can be earned in 1 (ready to learn) , 2 (Great), 3 (Amazing) increments. She has figured out that she needs 1 amazing + 1 great, 1 amazing + 2 ready-s, 2 greats + 1 ready, 5 ready-s to get to her prize. I think that is pretty cool.
October 01, 2012
September 20, 2012
Quinn's sense of humor
So I guess her 2nd favorite color is yellow :)
September 18, 2012
Skating Achievement
September 06, 2012
Kindergarten reports
- Days of the week in Spanish song
- Marcarena dance routine (with different words)
- High frequency words like: a, an, and, is, for
- Vowels
September 05, 2012
Adrienne mournful cry
At first it is cute, but gets old very fast.
I had told Quinn to tell me when things were coming up because I couldn't see them. She didn't say anything. I made a big deal about not knowing when I was going to be in a turn or to be sprayed. And she just laughed. She thought it was hysterical.
From the parents perspective, school is a very hands-off kinda place. Drop your kid off at the door, and pick em up outside. That takes some getting use to.
Jobs: Reporter, Resort Manager, Makeup Artist, Anthropologist
Being a resort manager wasn't that great. As a family we went to La Torrenta on Lake Conroe, and was expecting to see lots of people doing lots of jobs on the resort, but we really didn't. We observed the receptionists, valet, cafe workers, lifeguards, and the people who made the smores.
Makeup artist was fun. Quinn and Sabrina went to Sephora to learn how to put on makeup. Quinn and Popo did clown makeup. We got some books from the library about beauty makeup and special effects makeup. We also watched a trailer for Face-Off to see some of the special effects makeup in action.
As an anthropologist, Quinn had to learn the rules and customs of a new culture (Kolter Elementary). We also read some Greek mythology stories and talked about how sometimes cultures made up stories to explain things that they didn't understand.
August 14, 2012
Revisiting Dinner
Later that night, just before bed, Quinn was now hungry. On her own, she said that she'd finish dinner now. So we gave it back to her, and she ate it. Flavorful ginger chicken. Awesome!
Family Meetings
August 01, 2012
Jobs: Critic, Buyer, Horticulturist, Author
As a buyer, we shopped for items for Quinn's birthday party. We had to balance a budget, items appropriate for the hot outside weather, and the range of kids appropriateness (1 - 6 yrs old). We also worked on thinking about what others might like, not just what she wanted
As a horticulturist, She went shopping for a lemon tree. She had to evaluate the different trees and options with them. There was not as much maintenance involved with the tree this week as it rained everyday. There we compared and contrasted a horticulturist to a florist (who we talked to at length in the grocery store).
Quinn came up with the author idea on her own. She wanted to color pages from a coloring book and write a story about it. We've had to extend this job, as she is more focused on the coloring than on the writing. But she choose it, so we will see if she actually completes this job.
July 24, 2012
Not Playing with Brock
July 11, 2012
Long bike ride
Yea! Quinn!
Excited about 5th birthday
Quinn's birthday is Sunday, her party is Sunday morning.
The Monday prior, here is what she said:
"I can't wait until Sunday morning, no I can't wait for Sunday day, no Saturday night, no I can't wait for Sunday morning, no Friday night, no Friday at school, no Saturday for dinner, no Sunday morning....
June 25, 2012
Job 7: Banker
Also this week she decided to buy a headband with her allowance. The label said it was $3.13, which I told her was about 1/2 of her money. When we went to check out it was actually $4.20, which I told her was most of her money. She was very upset by this.
I was looking forward to the teachable moment of you-have-to-choose-between-the-things-you-want-and-can-afford, but a generous spectator gave Quinn a dollar to account for the difference...
June 22, 2012
Job 6: Pet Shop Owner
June 18, 2012
My house is peaceful when....
Quote taken from kindercamp
June 11, 2012
Job 5 - toy designer
Quinn made a puzzle and several logo based cars and planes for Brock and Gavin (the son of the person that Pat is currently dating)
June 08, 2012
Throughly enjoyed playing Do-re-mi on the piano this morning. Both kids were singing along... What a warm fuzzy.
June 07, 2012
Job 4: Hostess
Then she helped Popo get ready for her Maj game
And finally, when we went to a friends party (house warming), she helped light candles and clean up.
I think she really enjoyed being a hostess. It is a good thing. She comes from a long line of party throwers.
May 29, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
It is fantastic to be able to have Quinn swim with all of her friends and not have to worry about her in the pool. She can swim, dive down, jump in the deep end, and be completely okay in the water. Fantastic!
Also, I think that she was so hungry and involved with her friends that not only did she eat a burger, but it was a spicy Tex Mex burger... This is hope!
Job 3: Event Planner
- Monday: BAC Pool party and Gymnastics Showcase
- Tues - rest
- Wed: Graduation
- Thurs - Messy day @ school and dance recital
- Friday - Playing at Popo's and Shawn's Bday
- Drawing up on an hourly calendar all of the events for the week
- Packing all of the outfits, bathing suits, and other clothing that she would need for the day
- Deciding what meals and snacks would be
May 23, 2012
Pre-K Graduation
May 21, 2012
Job 2: Dress Designer
- We designed a dress using Dress creator, where we talked about different necklines and dress types.
- Quinn particularly liked the sweetheart style
- She spent lots of time coloring different style dresses. Greens for Daddy and oranges for Mommy.
- We went to International Dance Design to look at different gowns and costumes and also the different types of fabrics.
- Quinn even tried on a latin costume that was close to her size.
May 16, 2012
Job 1: Picture Framer
- We looked at many different pictures around the house.
- She identified that some were thick, and some thin.
- Some were decorated and some plain
- Some had different color borders. We learned that these were called mattes
- We also noticed that the corners of the frames had diagonals.
- Quinn drew a photo and then drew a matte and frame around it, making sure to add the diagonals in the corners
- We visited a picture framer shop and got to choose several frames (pink and purple). Then we choose several mattes (green and orange).
- We talked about how the frames and mattes should be choosen with the photo in mind, so that they bring out certain colors from the picture.
- We also discovered that some frames are deeper, to allow for things like baseballs and bats to be framed.
Careers and Allowances
This approach is basically get a career for a week and learn the different aspects of that career.
For us, we are at minimum having Quinn keep a journal. In this journal she needs to write the job title, date, draw / photocopy / create a picture of the career, and finally a happy, sad or neutral face for her impression of it.
She will be earning 2 dollars a week. A $1 bill, and $1 in coins. The intent of the bill is to be saved, and we will deposit it in the bank every month. The intent of the coins is for whatever she wants.
We will let her use the saved money after 3 months in the bank, but then she can only take out 1/2 of her savings. At least that is the going plan at the moment.
We are using the Earn it, Learn it book, as well as Would you like to Fly a Jet, Would you Like to Be a Vet for inspiration on what careers to choose.
The most challenging things at the moment, is keeping track of the coins, and not letting Brock play with them.
April 19, 2012
That was really really fast. I was a little stunned.
April 06, 2012
Gold fish
Last weekend we "won" 14 goldfish from the Japan festival.... yeah, couldn't keep them alive for 12 hours... they were all dead by the morning.
March 29, 2012
March 13, 2012
Anti - Sharing Decree
Brock, as usual, was up with mommy working on a puzzle. Quinn said that she wanted to "help". Which meant taking every piece that Brock was working on away from him. Even after delegating the sun to Brock and the beach to Quinn. She still wanted the sun. And of course after switching out the sun and the bird, Quinn wanted the bird.
Oh the drama of a morning kid versus a non-morning kid.
March 11, 2012
Brock time
This morning Quinn was reading Brock a story. Pam asked them if they wanted cereal. Quinn said no... "This is me an Brock time. We will have it after I finish reading..."
February 19, 2012
Imitation Drawings
Falling lessons
She fell, and probably hurt herself, but she didn't let it show.
I then did an experiment where we stacked up blocks on the floor and had her try to jump to knock them over. Then did the same experiment on the cushion . Clearly the pile was less stable on the cushion.
You could see Quinn processing, that the next time she needed more solid surfaces (like the buffet) for her next climbing adventures. I love teachable moments!
Cinnamon Life Cereal
Cinnamon Life changed their packaging, now Quinn's favorite cereal is invalid. Yup, that is the logic that we live in.
February 14, 2012
Cute / Sick Quinn
February 04, 2012
Daddy / Daughter Dance
February 03, 2012
G/T Testing
February 01, 2012
Cheese toast with Parsely
January 29, 2012
the role model that sticks
trying to teach Brock not to put stickers on the furniture, Quinn pointed out that Drew's labeling stickers were teaching Brock that it was ok to put stickers on the furniture. Looks like there are labels coming off today.
before a dinner party the kids wanted to draw on the drive. Quinn took our welcome mat so she would know how to spell welcome. resourceful!
January 28, 2012
Well duh moment - scrapbook == scraps
While she loved the gift, and actually made a good Princess / Disney scrapbook... we did and do have tons of paper scraps left over from this art project.
January 26, 2012
Water cycle braclet
Quinn beaded the bracelet as follows
yellow = sun
iridescent = water vapor
ivory = clouds
pink = rain
white = snow
brown = erosion
indigo = oceans
baby blue = lakes
rainbow = puddles
green = plants.
Yea! science!
January 19, 2012
Orion and simile
That is pretty deep. And I'm pretty sure that creating a simile and making that association is well above her age level (I have no basis for this, but I feel it must be true :))
January 06, 2012
Parenting is like a balloon
January 01, 2012
city center
at city centre Houston Quinn pointed to the buildings at the side and exclaimed that that must be city side since the grassy place is city center. very observant!