I have to say, as a parent, I'm proud and impressed of my 13 year old. We just had a fantastic debate about plastic surgery, specifically breast enhancement. She was able to vocalize the double standard towards trans-female versus cis-female in this elective surgery. She was also able to describe her ability to support her friends but seek out reasons for the surgery and if they were for themselves or for external reasons. It was an amazing conversation, that I don't think many adults would be able to have, and certainly not so eloquently.
September 29, 2020
January 28, 2016
Letter to the tooth fairy
Dear Tooth Fairy,
You give other kids 20$ bill and I get 1$ bill. I was wondering if you could give me a 20$ bill. Thank you. Your Kid, Quinn.
Kid Quinn,
I know it seems not even when other kids get more money. Parents set the rules for all us fairies. Thursday Tooth Fairy. P.S. Here is what I can do:

December 30, 2014
Quinn's Creative writing
- To create a first draft (which she already did on paper).
- Transcribe it into a word processor
- Respond to an editor (daddy) and make corrections
- Post it to this blog
December 07, 2014
Thinking about what you are thinking about
*face palm*, oye vay.
November 21, 2014
Start of the Landmark Forum for Young People
Because she is only 7, and the usual age limit is 8, they have an entrance interview. The forum leader asked Quinn is she felt like she was able to fail.
"Sometimes" replied Quinn.
"When do you feel like you can fail, and when do you feel like you can't fail?"
"I can fail when I'm taking a test or something. I can't fail when I'm climbing a 12 foot pole."
The leader hands her her nametag, clearly ready for the day :)
Then she asks "Are you sure that you are 7"
October 19, 2014
Quinn's creative writing: Yellowstone's storty
/////// Yellowstone's story ///////
I was sitting on a bench watting (waiting) for someone to need a hero. Suddenly Yellowstone herd (heard) a car crash. BOOM! A baby cry. WAA! Then she was there. There was Red Scarlet and her crew. Mia Moonstone, Sophie Sapphire, Strawberry, Ruby, and the one and only boy Ethan Emerald. Come on she demandid (demanded). She's rite (right) there said Red Scarlet. You see Red Scarlet needed Yellowstone becuase (because) she needed one more person on her team. But Yellowstone said NO! Red Scarlet was furious! She said if you are not with me you are against me and then the fight began. Yellowstone shot a lighting (lightning) bolt. Red Scarlet shot a fire ball. Red Scarlet's crew said why are we fighting. Red Scarlet said join in and the crew joined in with Yellowstone. With me she screamed! Then they ran over to Red Scarlets side. But it was to (too) late. She was defeated. Do you think that Red Scarlet leaned (learned) her lesson? NO! In fact she still robed (robbed) banks and took jews (jewels). Mean while Yellowstone was erning (earning) melals (medals) and tiring (trying) to find a way to keep her in jail for good. Fialy (Finally) got her in jail for good and Yellowstone earned her 155 (155th) mela (medal) and as for her crew they became Yellowstone's crew.
September 02, 2014
Quinn's Quick thinking
Later that evening, Quinn was really excited to head to the pool, but the parents weren't ready. She had opened the gate, ready to run out, and we told her to close it. She wasn't listening, so we started the countdown from 5 for her to close the gate. We got all the way to zero and the gate wasn't all the way closed.
As I went up to her to extract her from the activities and send her to bed, she said, in the softest voice, that she was closing the door slowly like we had asked. She's got some quick thinking skills going on.
Swimming at Popo's
July 17, 2014
Turning 7
March 30, 2014
Quinn's first time tent camping was today at the Kolter campout.
We (Q and Daddy) slept in the Kolter Elementary prairie in a 4 person tent we borrowed from friend Lisa Livingston.
We slept adjacent to her "best buddy" Lucy, whose dad happens to snore. Next time we will leave much more space between our neighbors.
Q loved that the tent had a ceiling window and we were literally sleeping under the stars. The look she gave me before falling asleep, makes it all worth it!
She had no prob falling asleep, even though the temp dropped to 53 degrees by 1 am.
We were decently prepared, though I should have opted for the full air mattress, instead of just the camping pads. I'm glad that there was pizza, goldfish, ice cream, water and lemonade provided.
I even saw a wild animal :-). Apparently there is a stray cat that lives on our near campus. :-)
March 09, 2014
Quinn Loves Math
At this table there was a wide range of math problems. Quinn impressed the facilitator. Totally on her own and without prodding she spent about 30 minutes doing math brain teasers, most of which were "above her grade."
Some of the problems that she solved, with minimal coaching really about what the problem was asking, not the math part of it.... were
- A 3x3 grid of squares, where you count the number of squares (14 is the answer)
- Drawing a single continuous line without backtracking to draw a shape
- Solving the algebra problem for "A": 8-A = A
- There a 3 frogs. Frog A takes 7 hops. Frog B takes 5 hops less then Frog A. Frog C takes the same same number of hops as Frog A and Frog B together. How many hops did all of the frogs take. (18 is the answer)
I'm responsible
January 19, 2014
Officially sharing a room
January 03, 2014
Outside the Box Thinker
November 17, 2013
Ear Piercing today
Quinn chose well, recognizing that you only buy the holes once, but can buy the earrings anytime.
October 16, 2013
First Grade DRA Assessment Results
October 09, 2013
Playing at recess
Q: "I don't do anything at recess..."
Me: "What, you sit outside and stare at the wall?"
Q: "No. I only chase boys."
Me: "That sounds pretty fun."
Q: "Yeah.... it is." Said with a big smile.
September 26, 2013
Eye trick
It is pretty cool that when Quinn can move 1 eye independent of the other, it kind of surprises the eye doctor.
God and justice
Quinn said that JJ believes in God, I believe in God and justice. When asked what that meant, she said she didn't know
July 19, 2013
Quinn's 6th Sea Creature birthday party
- Poseidon's obstacle course
- Sea creature splash bowling
- recycled bottles, filled with a little bit of sand, with cute sea creatures adhered to the front and back with packing tape
- Knock them over with splash bombs
- Splash buckets with sponges
- Paint a fence with water
- Soak a ship, using melting corn starch peanuts
- Kiddie pool
- Water table
- Bubbles
- Mermaid and sharkfin towels as favors
- Food
- octopus hot dogs
- dolphin banana's (split the stem end, add a grape and draw an eye)
- Oysters (jumbo pasta shells, with meatballs )
- Cake
- 2 dozen cupcakes painted to look like water
- Octopus cupcake - dum dum + gummy worms
- Jellyfish cupcake - smushed gum drop + gummy worms
- Small fish cupcake - swedish fish
- shark cupcake - gum drop crescents
- large fish cupcake - skittles for scales, Rips for tales
July 17, 2013
Quote about brothers
July 10, 2013
All that you say is true....
She was listening intently and asked several questions. I think that she got it.
One of the questions that she asked went like this.
"My friend is always mean to me".
I said, "yes, by you saying that, it is a true statement. You won't be able to see any of the times that he is nice to you, or even not mean to you. If there is a rare case that you do discover that he is nice to you, you will think that something is wrong or unusal, as you have declared the truth that he is always mean."
Quinn then revised her statement to be "he is usually mean to me, but sometimes he is not"
By Jove, I think she's got it!
P.S. She hasn't yet declared that she is good at talking to people.
July 03, 2013
Movie kiss
June 25, 2013
Food rules
Ice cream must be mixed: peach ice cream - no good, peach and strawberry ice cream - good*. Entree's must be separate: hot dogs good, pasta good, hot dogs on top of pasta- no good. Lunches have to be finger foods, no utensils, and not messy (eliminates most leftovers, even pizza). Breakfast is limited to yogurt, cereal, pancakes or bacon; french toast, eggs, sausage, everything else is excluded. Cakes / desserts must be chocolate or have chocolate chips.
* (this is what she said, haven't tested the mixed ice cream yet)
May 24, 2013
Loving the in car filibustering... Quinn makes up a super long song so that Brock can't talk/interrupt.
May 11, 2013
Blown away by reading level
Jobs this year
Here is a quick rundown for the year to date
2/23/13 - Librarian. Quinn categorized and organized all of her books. Age appropriate books were given to Brock, and Quinn came up with a system for finding the books on her shelf. She even created a (short lived) system, where Brock could check out books from her room.
3/5/13 - Computer Programmer. We tried to animate a flower. Quinn expected that you could draw a seed and press "go" and it would become a flower. (Sounds like some of my clients). She didn't realize that you had to draw the seed, the sprout, the seedling, the little flower, and the big flower. We lost interest before we could finish. Sigh
4/2/13 - Chef. Quinn choose the recipe and chopped all of the veggies for it. She even got to use the big chef's knife all by herself. She also made a birthday cake for Popo, all by herself, minus actually putting it in the oven.

4/27/13 - Shelf Builder. Due to a power outage - refrigerator cleaning - utility room organizing, we removed a built in ironing board and added shelves for the kids paints. Quinn helped build the shelves. Mommy had her out in the garage, wearing a bright yellow swimming mask as safety goggles, helping cut strips of wood with the radial saw. Quinn did most of the drilling and screwing to get the shelves in place too.
April 27, 2013
April 03, 2013
Choreographer Teacher
Last night she was trying to teach it to Brock with great success.
She was giving me instructions about when to start / stop the video.
And every couple of measures, she would show Brock the corresponding arm gestures.
Then she tell me to play the song from the beginning and they'd go through each part to that point.
It was awesome.
The only blind spot, was that Quinn was not able to recognize when Brock was done with the task and ready to move on. But hey, sometimes we parents even have a hard time with that.
Super cute.
Here is the reference video and song.
Discovery Learning works!
"Ok", I said, "but can you think of any other options, maybe any that might be faster?"
She said, that "that [putting on shoes] takes too much time."
So while I mentioned that I disagreed with her, we went to the garage to get the brooms.
The kids happily swept the driveway, and Brock and I had a great time of chase and choo-choo trains and singing Mary Poppins.
Quinn had made it through 3 sidewalk squares, when she went back inside, got her shoes and joined us in our games.
I believe I got my point across, AND Quinn got to be right.